
What is Comprehension?

Comprehension is the action or capability to understand something. It provides you with abilities to answer questions and attain a better understanding of the English language. Additionally, it enriches the reader with valuable information, features unique vocabulary and phrases. It improves a person’s critical thinking and enables him to answer the question according to the given facts in the paragraph. Thus, it strengthens the confidence of a person, which makes it easier to converse with others.

Comprehension Passages

Mention a few points to focus on when solving a comprehension.

Writing comprehension answers is not a difficult task. If you focus on a few points, then you can write good answers.

  1. First, read the paragraph thoroughly more than once (at least three times), so you can understand it entirely before solving the question.
  2. Next, underline the answers according to the questions. Seldom solutions are provided in the passage in the same sequence as the questions.
  3. Occasionally, you may include some part of the question at the beginning of the answer. It is a good technique, but it’s not compulsory to start every time in a similar way.
  4. While writing the answer, you have to focus on the tenses too. Always write your answer in the same tense, as stated in the question.
  5. One more point, You should avoid adding irrelevant information to the solution because it will spoil your answer.
  6. If you want to achieve excellent marks, then always compose your answers precisely and complete them. An incomplete answer will never aid you to get numbers.
  7. Furthermore, your way of writing should be easy to understand so the reader can acquire desired information.

What is the purpose of critical questions in comprehension?

Critical questions enhance your thinking ability. As a result, you use your thinking skills and give your perspective according to the facts in the answers.

Comprehension Skill

question - FAQs - writing skills

The Practice of Comprehension is Significant in Learning Creative Writing Skills. A Few General Queries Are Given Below to Clear Doubts About Comprehension.

FAQs About Comprehension

Comprehension Passages

Comprehension passages are good for improving writing skills. A few paragraphs are given below for practice. Read each text carefully and attempt to solve it without making mistakes.

Tony Travel

Tony's Travel-comprehension

There were three ways in which Tony could travel to school: by bus, by steam train or …

The Skeleton Key

The Skeleton Key

Erik rang his grandparents’ doorbell and silently wished the next four hours …

Golden Eagles

Golden Eagle

The Golden Eagle is one of the most beautiful birds of prey in the world. Young …

Animal Communication

Comprehension - Animal Communication

Alex, an African grey parrot who lives in Boston, can say eighty different words. However, most …

The Ocean Floor

The Ocean Floor - Comprehension

The ocean floor is made up of various landscapes including mountains, valleys, and plains. These underwater …

Gold Found in California

Comprehension - Gold Found in California

On the morning of January 24, 1848, Marshall noticed something unusual in one of the deep pools …

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