Letter Writing Topics-0511 (IGCSE)

man is writing- topics for letter writing

Topic #1

Email your friend to thank him for hosting you.

Topic #2

Email a friend, telling them about your experience with a difficult family member who came to stay at your place for a few days.

Topic #3

Email a friend in another country about the educational trip that you have recently been on with your college.

Topic #4

Write a letter to a friend, telling them about your experience of organising a birthday party for your younger brother.

Write a short article for a teenage magazine describing a novel you have recently read and enjoyed. You should:

  • outline the plot
  • say why you enjoyed the novel (e.g. style, setting, development of characters)
  • say why you think other people would enjoy reading it too.

Your article should be about 150-200 words long.

Topic #5

Email a friend describing your visit to the opening day of a new visitor attraction in your town.

Topic #6

Write a letter to a friend about the visit to your home country and all the new changes that have been done there.

Topic #7

Write a letter to a relative about a friend that you met unexpectedly and spent a day with.

Letter Writing Topics

  • Write a letter to your younger brother advising him on the importance of good behaviour in life.
  • Write a letter to your younger brother who is careless about his studies, advising him to refrain from wasting his time.
  • Write a letter to your friend, congratulating him on his recovery from a serious illness.
  • Write a letter to your friend telling him about your career.
  • Write a letter to a friend on his birthday, expressing good wishes and mentioning the presents that accompany the letter.

Feel free to drop any suggestions.